We are MotorSport Vision Limited (“MSV”), which is part of the MSV Group which also includes JPM Ltd (“PalmerSport”) and MotorSport Vision Racing Limited (“MSVR”).
We reserve the right to change the policy at any time, so please check back regularly to keep informed of updates to this Policy.
This is a summary of cover, not a policy document and is issued subject to the terms, clauses, conditions and warranties as within the master policy. Any fraud, misstatement or concealment in relation to any matter relating to this insurance shall render the policy null and void and all claims forfeited.
Each booking is for one car, one driver only unless an additional driver place is purchased. Once this driver has
registered on the day, track time cannot be handed over to another driver and car.
As a condition of being permitted to participate in any On-Circuit Activity, each Participant must comply with the
following requirements.
Save as provided below in respect of young drivers, Participants in car test sessions must be aged 16 years or older
and hold a current MSUK Race Licence (as applicable) or such other licence as may be recognised by the relevant
Governing Bodies, and produce the original (not a photocopy) complete licence for inspection by MSV.
Young Drivers
Drivers under the age of 18 shall be permitted to participate in On-Circuit Activity provided that:
a) such driver’s parent or legal guardian has signed and completed the relevant section of the Registration Form; and
b) in the case of drivers under the age of 16, each driver holds a MSUK licence appropriate to the vehicle he/she intends to use (at present these are restricted to GB4, British F4, Ginetta Junior, Junior Sports Car Championship and Fiesta Juniors). Any test session involving drivers under the age of 16 must be exclusive to such drivers; and
c) in the case of drivers aged 16 or 17, such driver holds an MSUK licence (or the equivalent licence issued by an FIA recognised Governing Body) appropriate to the vehicle he/she intends to use.
d) For Semi Exclusive and Open Pit Lane testing, check with the Circuit before booking in regards to age restrictions.
e) ARDS-qualified (grade A or S) instructors are welcome as passengers. There is no additional charge.
Registration Form
All Participants must complete MSV’s on line check in form, in advance of any On-Circuit Activity, drivers under the age of 18 will require this to be countersigned by a parent or legal guardian. Each driver will be issued with a wrist band which must be worn during testing. Please stop at the end of the pit lane and show the wrist band to the marshal.
Drivers will be held responsible for the good conduct of his/her team personnel whilst at the venue.
Helmets and Protective Clothing
Participants must wear a suitable, correctly fitted and securely fastened crash helmet compliant with FIA/MSA/MSUK standards and suitable fire resistant clothing complying with the then current requirements of Section Q of the FIA/MSA/MSUK general regulations.
An FIA approved FHR device (HANS), fitted in accordance with K.10.4, of the Motorsport UK Year book 2016 is mandatory for drivers and instructors on all test days. Exceptions are Period Defined Vehicles as described in Section B.
For all circuits apart from Donington Park
Noise limits will be applied in accordance with Motorsport UK championship regulations relevant to the vehicle being tested, with the maximum limit being 105 db(A) for sports/saloons and 108 db(A) for single seaters, both measured at 0.5m from the exhaust at a 45 degree angle with engine running at 75% maximum revs.
For Donington Park
Tuesday and Thursday test days:- Will be unsilenced unless specifically notified otherwise. Friday test days:- all vehicles must be silenced to comply with a 98 db(A) drive-by limit.
Vehicles which fail the noise test will not be able to take part (or continue taking part as the case may be) in the test day. Any vehicle may be required to undergo a further noise test at any time during the test day at the circuit’s discretion.
Although MSV Circuits (apart from Donington Park) do not operate to a specific drive-by noise limit, they nevertheless monitor drive-by levels, and if the results of the monitoring show that a particular vehicle is generating drive-by levels appreciably higher than vehicles with comparable static test results, then they reserve the right to notify the participant, following which, the relevant participant must not take any further part in the event until he/she has reduced the noise levels generated by the vehicle to bring them within acceptable limits as established by further static or drive-by testing.
Unless confirmed otherwise all general testing will be run in sessions.
‘Practice starts’ are not permitted on an MSV Test Day unless organised in advance with the circuit manager (or their representative) and held in a separate session from the general test track time. This option is at the circuits discretion and where time permits.
- If you do not have a garage booked on the day you are attending, please do not park in front of them, as this restricts
access to those who have them booked. A returnable deposit of £50.00 sterling is required for garage keys - Be aware of other teams, participants, contractors, pedestrians and staff in the paddock, garages and pit lane. You are
responsible for your own safety and that of other users of these areas who may be affected by your activities. - It is your responsibility to risk assess your activities and take the appropriate action to remove or minimise any hazards.
- If you are reversing HGVs or other vehicles with restricted viewing then please have a banksman to help you reverse,
and ensure that they are wearing hi-vis clothing. - Please do not leave any cables or hoses across walkways unless appropriately covered with cable matting.
Pit Lane
- Re-fuelling and the storage of petrol (or other fuels) is not permitted in the pit lane.
- No more than one 25 litre metal fuel container can be stored in each garage (whether full or empty). Legally this equates to the maximum 50 litres of fuel inside any two joined garages. Empty containers must not be stored inside the garages either.
- The pit lane is strictly one way.
- Vehicle access to pit lane via collecting area, Anyone reported for driving recklessly or dangerously at the venue will be escorted from the venue immediately.
- No naked flames (smoking, welding etc) in the pit lane.
- Unless participating, no persons under the age of 16 are allowed in the garages, pitlane or pit wall.
- Service vehicles are not allowed in the pit lane.
- For all circuits except Donington Park, when leaving the pits drivers must keep to the right hand side of the track until they have negotiated the first corner, this is most important. Please note, at Donington Park the pit lane joins from the left.
On Track
- If the Circuit has to be closed to recover a stranded vehicle, red lights will be shown at the startline, and at the end of the pitlane. RED FLAGS will be shown around the circuit, drivers must complete the lap slowly and return to the pits, but be prepared to stop during their slowing down lap. If sessions are implemented, to signal the end of a session, the chequered flag will be displayed at the startline. Please return straight to the pits. Drivers choosing to ignore the Red Flags in order to complete another lap or two will be excluded from any further testing. No excuses will be entertained - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
- Flag signals will be shown at some but not all flag points around the circuit throughout the day.
- In the event of mechanical failure, the driver must attempt to leave their car in a safe place. The driver should then wait behind the barrier for recovery. Team personnel must obtain permission from Race Control before going out on to the circuit. If a car stops due to negligence (e.g. running out of petrol) that car will not be recovered until the end of the session.
- Overtaking under Red Flags will result in instant exclusion from further testing.
- MSV may remove any person from the relevant MSV Venue who is using such MSV Venue in such a way as to cause nuisance, damage, disturbance, annoyance or inconvenience to MSV, its representatives or agents or the surrounding community (including without limitation by using horns or generating excessive tyre squeal)
- Any damage caused by my reckless or dangerous driving/riding shall be my responsibility, and I shall pay to MSV Group an amount equal to the cost of any resulting repair or replacement at the Venue. Further I agree that should my vehicle leak contaminants on to the track then I may incur a fine from MSV of up to £200 for the damage and delays caused.
Since 2014, you are permitted to drive on the track asphalt up to and including the white line, and on the full extent of any kerbs (marked red/white). However you are not permitted to put a wheel beyond the white lines or kerbs. A driver will be judged to have left the track if any part of the tyre goes beyond either the outer edge of any kerb or the white line where there is no kerb.
All car test and trackdays at MSV circuits are run in accordance with these regulations. If anyone does not comply, the following actions will be taken by the circuit:
1st infringement | Black/white driving standards flag warning |
2nd infringement | Black flag, report to control tower, final warning without penalty |
3rd infringement | Black flag 20 minute track time exclusion |
4th infringement |
20 minute track time exclusion |
Track limit infringements will be cumulatively recorded across the whole day and not‘reset’at the start of each session. Infringements accumulate per car, not individual drivers.
Infringements will be fairly policed through a combination of run-off sensors (which capture CCTV images of sensor triggers) and track marshal observations.
In the interest of practicality and expediency, decisions by MSV circuit staff will be final and there will be no right of appeal against any penalty or right to review evidence. Aggressive behaviour towards track staff will not be tolerated and may result in both driver and car being excluded from the day.
Furthermore, if track limits regulations are abused, especially in a repeated and/or deliberate manner, then MSV reserves the right to exclude both the car and driver individually and MSV will make no refund or compensation. Track limits must be policed for a number of reasons:
- Circuits have an obligation to maintain the safety of any surface that can legitimately be used
- Many competitors do not want to be pressured into driving beyond kerbs and risking damaging their cars on rutted earth and mud in order to try and set a fractionally better time
- Continual use of grass and earth beyond kerbs can be hazardous because earth, mud and stone debris may be dragged back onto the asphalt and caused damage to cars.
NO ANIMALS may be brought onto the premises - with the exception of Registered Guide or Assistance Dogs. Prior notification of the intention or need to bring assistance dogs is requested.
Cancellations and Refunds/Transfers
It is your responsibility to ensure that your vehicle meets the relevant noise test requirements. If your vehicle fails any noise test and you are excluded from further participation MSV will have no liability to you and you will not receive any refund or credit in relation to the test day. Similarly, if your vehicle suffers mechanical issues which prevent or limit participation, no refund or credit will be issued.
Cancellation by you:
Cancellation requests must made be in writing by email to [email protected]
- In the event of any cancellation by you, a refund will only be issued if we receive more than 14 clear days’ notice, in writing, (i.e. if your test day is Friday the 20th, then we need to be contacted no later than 17.30hrs on Thursday the 5th). If between 3 and 14 clear days notice is given, then a credit will be issued to your MSV account. This credit must be used within 6 months.
- To illustrate, if you cancel your date on 1st May 2023 you must use your credit by 1st November 2023. This means the new booking must be made within the 6 months, but the new event date can be outside the 6 months.
- If 3 clear days or less notice is given, NO refund or credit will be issued.
- Clear days do NOT include the day of test or cancellation.
- Credits issued by MSV testing can be used as payment towards the following MSV products: Car Testing, MSVT car and bike track days, retail experiences, tickets, and merchandise.
- Credits can only be issued to the original purchaser and cannot be transferred.
- Credits made to your MSV account are non refundable
Cancellation for Force Majeure including the weather
- All Testing is offered subject to the weather or other events beyond MSV’s control and accordingly we cannot guarantee that a particular date or session will not be cancelled due to these reasons.
- If your test is fully cancelled due to adverse weather conditions or other events beyond our control, you will be issued a credit to the value of the original booking. This will be applied to your MSV account.
The circuit reserves the right to session any Test day or move any vehicle from one group to another